Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bathroom Clothesline

        I love my bathroom clothesline. It hangs too low, and it makes all of my guests uncomfortable to use the bathroom when they have to bob and weave like boxers just to make it to the toilet. It hangs at an angle, so all my clothes bunch up at one end. My shirts all have lines across the chest because I have yet to get off my ass and go buy clothespins, and so I just drape them across the string. it doesn't even save me that much money. I do my laundry about once every week and a half. When I used the dryer, I would usually fit all my clothes into one load. The total monetary savings per week of using a clothesline is something like $1.25. All of this might sound like enough to make me hate the thing.  But I don't. I love it.
           The dryer in my apartment building has a list of steps for proper use on the coinslot. Step#4 is pay. Step #5 is start the machine and wait for it to beep before removing your clothes. After Step #5, it says, "If you are not content with the dryness of your clothes, repeat steps #4 and 5." Why would they write that? It is called a "dryer" isn't it? Shouldn't I be able to expect my clothes to be dry when they emerge from it? Of course not.  People pay by the load. Someone was scheming.
            Using a clothesline allows me to avoid the aggravation of paying a machine to tumble my clothes around and blow lukewarm air at them, only drying them enough to make me feel it is worthwhile to pay the machine again. I save some money, I save some energy, and I save some aggravation.
    And also, my apartment smells like clean laundry whenever I put my clothes up to dry.

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